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Location Showroom February 1950:

Annette Handbag Co.
20 West 33rd St.
New York 1, N.Y.

The 1950's

Quarter page ad "Handbags and Fashion Accessories" February 1950, page 14

Corde' Bags were trendy for Spring 1950, as evidenced by a full page feature in the same February 1950 issue of "Handbags and Fashion Accessories," page 47, including this example from Annette.

Corde Courts New Trends
And you'll count new customers for this perennial favorite with trim newsworthy styling added to its enduring qualities

"EXTENDED horizontal line in shallow barrelled shape brings an up-to-the-minute modishness to this new bag by Annette. Restrained design reveals the fine skill in corde stitching. Golden knobs on lock add sole trim."

Categories: Makers

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