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Crocking suede is a mess, but until the 1930's, suede crocked. That is to say, when rubbed, a black dust was released that not only made a mess, but it could stain other fabrics! This March 1930 news story provides some context for this issues and industry's attempts to solve it!

Calf Suede Has Big Possibilities

"American business men have always been quick to recognize the outstanding merit of any product. An application of this fact has recently taken effect in the hand-bag trade. Live wire bag manufacturers have seized upon an important feature of a well-known suede leather, have manufactured it into stylish hand-bags, and have made it a trade word with the buyers of smart department and specialty stores.

There has long been a deplorable condition that caused milady's gloves to become soiled and smooched. Whenever suede bags were sold over the counter, the sales lady invariably stated, "Yes, madam, these bags will crock." In spite of this, women have purchased suede bags for their fall and winter ensembles and have delighted in the beauty of the leather.

But times have changed. No longer must the sales girl apologize for the crock that soils gloves and frocks—for bags are now being made from the calf suede of an internationally known tanner, and these bags do not crock.

The increasing number of non-croft calf suede bags being sold this fall to the fashionable trade is a tribute to the far-sighted manufacturer and a boon to retailers and their fastidious trade.

Merchandising possibilities for such unusual bags are immense. Instead of attempting to pass off the crocking feature by the misleading term "antelope" or "French antelope," there is now a definite trade name applied to the bag. It is doubtful if but very few people know just what antelope is. "Antelope" has been used to dignify the lambskin and sheepskin suede, the lightweight kid suede, and in some cases the calf suede, but the clever merchant this fall has been calling a spade a spade—that is, calf suede bags have been sold as calf suede.

On this basis there is certain to be an ever increasing popularity for suede bags. Women know what they are buying. They know that calf suede is made also for those beautiful, soft-toned shoes that are so smart in the fall and winter months, that this leather is durable, easily cleaned, and does not smooch light colored hosiery.

Calf skin suede has indeed a splendid future in the field of distinctive hand-bags."

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